Eric Bates

Long Distance Energy Healing Practitioner and
Licensed Massage Therapist

Integrating energy medicine techniques, bodywork training and nondual spiritual inspiration in order to serve clients' healing journey

Eric Bates, LMT

Eric Bates, LMT

Energy Healer

Nondual Spiritual Healer

Awakening Being

Energy Healing For Physical and Emotional Illness

Nondual Healing for Awakening to your True Self


From the time I was a child I had the sense of something greater at work in our lives. Growing up in a household where meditation was commonplace, my life became centered on looking deeper into Reality, finding those threads of truth about life's mysteries wherever I could find them. At the age of sixteen my family was blessed by the presence of ten Tibetan monks in our home. Through this experience, I gained a sense of what it can mean to live life outside the framework of reductionist thinking, where physical reality can only be influenced in easily measured ways.

Although I was not aware of it at the time, one of the Tibetan monks staying in my family's home did a laying on hands healing with a lady suffering from pelvic issues. Among the many gifts I unconsciously received from these enlightened souls, this was not the least of them.

As I progressed into adulthood, and my interest in spirituality, meditation and holistic healing blossomed, the voice of God within me said essentially, "It's time to do healing work with my fellow human beings." And thus, a journey of self-discovery began.

Eric's Practice

Eric's practice is based on a practical approach that blends a unique energy healing method with fluid-based, osteopathy-inspired bodywork. While energetic presence and techniques are the ultimate driver of his work, whole-body anatomical awareness derived from years of massage and bodywork training add depth to the sessions, regardless of whether the client interaction takes place in person or long distance. 

Eric regards both energy healing and spiritual healing as an important aspect of a person's health and healing regimen, but he is also conscious of what some clients may see as the sometimes intangible benefits of this field of healthcare. It is for that reason he has devoted his time and heart to mindfully choosing healing modalities that clients can receive practical results from. 

Ongoing education gives Eric ample opportunities to work with clients through their health and life challenges.  Eric regards his continual training with the following institutions as the basis of his work:

                         Bengston Energy Method with Dr. William Bengston

Nondual Kabbalistic Healing with the Society of Souls

Visceral Manipulation with the Barral Institute

Dynamic Manual Interface with Lowen Systems

Craniosacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute

Zero Balancing with the Zero Balancing Health Association

Reiki with the Jikiden Reiki Institute


Tennessee Massage Therapy License #8417

Book by phone at 615.473.5442

or for an appointment