Eric Bates

Long Distance Energy Healing Practitioner and
Licensed Massage Therapist

Nondual Kabbalistic Healing

Healing Inspired by the divine creativity and energy of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Buddhism, Advaita and quantum physics 

Healing by way of open-hearted relationship between healer and the one being healed

Awakening in the mental, emotional, spiritual and relational aspects of life

"Ultimately, healing involves unlearning the patterns that block our natural openheartedness from shining forth. We don't need help to open our hearts. We need help to get out of our own way." -Jason Shulman, Founder of A Society of Souls


Nondual Kabbalistic Healing is a spiritual healing modality that opens our hearts to the presence of all that is, the Absolute, that already resides within us. We may call this God or Goddess consciousness. We may call it being exactly who we already are, without the need for “fixing” our fundamental way of being in the world. Others may refer to it as Buddha nature. This path of awakening is the result of consciousness arising from the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and is additionally informed by both Buddhist and Advaita teachings.

This place of wholeness has called out to our souls since the moment of our being birthed into this world. At times, this wholeness, despite its great calling of loving kindness, fails to reach our hearts in a lasting way. It may be our difficult personal history, trauma, or  lineage that blocks this place of pure potential resting deep within us. 

In Nondual Kabbalistic Healing we do not seek to get rid of our egos; we instead allow the divine creations that are our egos to return to their healed state. Along this path our healed egos are able to show up in the ever-unfolding moments of existence, awakening to the nondual nature of reality

As we continue to open ourselves to the nondual nature of our beloved world, also known as Oneness, our personal/separate self is offered the space to exist as it is. Our personal suffering, the valleys and dark places we naturally dwell within, as well as our human limitations, are given a new home, nested along side the joy, splendor and foundation of openheartedness already shining inside us. 

The result of this work is a transformation of the Self that includes our newfound sense of spaciousness, all the while helping us become less reactive to or overwhelmed by the inevitable challenges of our collective lives. 

The Tree of Life as a vehicle for healing

One key aspect of my work as a nondual healer is the Tree of Life. The Tree comprises the most essential attributes already existing within humanity: Manifestation-Isness, Victory, Surrender and a Place for Self, Connection, Loving-Kindness, Strength, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, No-Thingness-Light.

Contained within our human experience is a longing to be whole. From childhood on we tend to fall out of relationship with this underlying wholeness. And through the divine consciousness of the Tree of Life we reestablish our relationship to all that is—within us, and around us.

The Tree of Life brings us into to profound relationship with our true nature, our loved ones, as well as this precious world we reside in. And by maintaining an awareness of this human-centered consciousness, you and I work together to heal and awaken.

This work is practiced via remote healing by phone, FaceTime or Zoom. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to learn how to contact me for a session.

Reasons Clients May Seek NKH

  • To transform the Self; i.e., becoming one's True Self or Authentic Self

  • To heal childhood trauma and wounding

  • To heal trauma related to ancestry or lineage

  • To strengthen relationships, both loving or professional

  • To create profound changes in one’s mental or emotional state that may lead to what the great sages of Kabbalah and Buddhism refer to as Equanimity

  • To make Soul-guided decisions that are central to one’s life path

  • To navigate long-standing obstacles and resistance with skillful means

  • To heal emotion-based challenges related to anxiety, anger, aggression or grief

  • To embody Intimacy, Compassion and Loving-kindness toward self and others

  • To deepen your Buddhist, Advaita or other nondual spiritual practice

    Clients I Enjoy Working With

    Nondual Kabbalistic Healing is a powerful agent for change in a person’s life. So that I may be of highest service to you, I ask that you commit to an initial series of four sessions. This empowers you to receive significant healing, and to fully realize if you may benefit from continually working with me.

    In my experience, I find that clients sometimes give up on their healing journey before they have given the process a chance. Working together in an initial series allows us to go deeper into your journey.

    After we complete the initial series of four sessions, we may work together one session at a time thereafter, or you may continue to receive a discount on packages of four sessions.

    If you have any questions about whether Nondual Kabbalistic Healing may be a good match for you, please call  (615) 473-5442 or write to me at to set up a free fifteen minute phone call so we can discuss your questions.







Book by phone at 615.473.5442

or for an appointment